
happy birthpost

welp, it's my first blog post after about 4 years. after messing with the settings for a good 2 hours or so i've finally come up with a somewhat satisfactory layout. i really should get back into html and web design. not that i was ever amazing at it. but who knows, maybe i could use it as another source of revenue while i figure out what the hell i'm going to do with my life. i mean, one of my motives in starting a blog is in the hopes of gaining enough renown on the interwebs to where i can make some money from advertising, merchandise, random donations, etc. yeah... i guess i should stick to finding a real job.

speaking of ways to make quick money, i got a little bit hooked on amazon mechanical turk. i can't remember how i even found it to begin with. i think i was looking for a way to earn free virtual points for some mmorpg i was playing.
anywho, for those who don't know what mturk is, it's pretty much a marketplace for cheap online labor.
 let's say you need a paper edited, or hell, the entire paper written for you. you can request a human intelligence task (or "HIT") and pay $0.05 for each successful HIT. the assigned task will be "write 100-200 words about ____." have 100 HITs available, post your request, and wait for the responses to come in.
you view the ones that are up to standard, accept them, and pay 5 cents to each worker that gives you a good response.
you can use this to edit your paper, translate text into another language, transcribe audio into text, get traffic for your website, conduct surveys, etc.
so i'm a mechanical worker. it's pretty much the equivalent of tech support guys working from india, or chinese children in sweatshops making shoes. i do repetitive task after task to get paid... 10 cents. if i'm lucky. so far i've accumulated $4.77. it's probably about equal to $1/hr, not counting the time spent searching through available HITs for a task that i can actually/am willing to do for the pathetic few cents being offered.


so after awhile i've decided it's probably not the best way to make money... but some of the tasks can be sort of fun and addicting on their own, and the fact i'm getting paid at all is icing on the cake.

still, i think i'm better off selling my plasma.

1 comment:

  1. I had meant to comment yesterday and had shit typed here in the comment box and everything. But, I had to look something up involving Irish colloquialisms to add to it, and in the end I ended up posting a FB status about Brits and rubbers. I had forgot what I had sent myself to do. I needed something more than telling you to chase rainbows as they have pots of gold at the end, and me saying diddly dee potatoes. Something that would help with stringing it altogether to relate directly to your blog post. I didn't find that such thing, but so it be. Diddly dee potatoes!
