
lolcats explained

well it's 3 am and i can't sleep. i guess it's time to write a blog post.

i've noticed a lot of people i've met recently just do not get my lolcat references. like when i say things like "ohai thur" or "i has ___." i understand if it's an older crowd, but when it's someone my age, it baffles me that they haven't even heard of lolcats. maybe i'm just so used to nerds since i went to a nerdy school. but even most of my non-nerd friends have at least seen a lolcat.

so i guess this post is directed at those remaining people who live under a rock. and also just to post all my favorite lolcat pictures.


local wildlife

sometimes i feel like i live out in the boonies. i mean, i don't really. it's a suburb. i'm walking distance from a tom thumb and starbucks. but after living in dallas and its surrounding cities for a few years, i feel like my town is so rural in comparison.

when i stop and think about it, there's a lot of things i see around here i would never see in the city, particular certain animals. here's a list of animals i've seen around my hometown:


jujube lady

my mom told me a funny story today.

before i begin, let me explain what a jujube is for those who don't know. my mom calls them "chinese apples" but they are also often referred to as "chinese dates" or "chinese prunes." after performing a google search, i found that the actual name is "jujube."
heh. jujube. what a funny word.


this story is for dwight

so this happened a few weeks ago while my parents were out of town. it was one of those nights where i had been drinking and i probably shouldn't have driven, but i did anyway. i mean the bar was closed and i was in dallas. my friends were tired and wanted to go home and probably were in no mood to babysit me. so i went ahead and headed home.