
it's my baby boy's birthday

well, yesterday was actually his birthday. but i was terribly busy yesterday so i decided i'd try and hold a mini celebration today.

oh, and to clarify, my baby boy is a dog named stitch. he is now 4 in human years.
he's a pampered pooch.
i planned on taking him to the dog park but ended up not going because it was too cold and cloudy today. tomorrow's supposed to be sunnier so i'll continue his birthday celebration then.

i ended up taking him to petsmart to buy his presents. i was going to let him pick out a toy, but i remembered he had tons of toys already (not enough, really, but my parents were complaining about how there's dog toys all over the house). so i decided i'd get him something he needed. like new boots for walking in the rain, mud, and snow.

then i saw there was a sale for all winter wear. 50% to be precise. and i had a birthday coupon too. i honestly just couldn't resist getting him a sweater to match his boots. PLUS, the sweater came with a HAT.
he kind of looks like link. if link were a nerdy-looking dog.
okay, so he wasn't exactly thrilled about his presents. but i made it up to him by baking him a cake made from the leftover "cookie dough" i bought for christmas.
dogs can't blow out candles so i thought pupperoni sticks were an apt substitute.

i made my mom join me while i sang happy birthday to him. he had been eagerly anticipating the cake ever since i started making it, and when it was time to give it to him he got even more excited. he could barely wait for us to finish singing. my mom made him sit so i could take a picture. he sat still like a good little boy, except for his tail wagging furiously and his eyes darting back and forth between the cake and me.
"omg mama i <3 you"

 his happy little face makes my heart melt ♥



so here's an actual exchange at a jack in the box drive-through window not too long ago:

drive-thru lady: so where you from?
me: i was born and raised round here. my parents are from vietnam though.
drive-thru lady: ah i was just wondrin' cuz you got a southern accent.
me: oh, that's cuz i'm drunk.
drive-thru lady: oh.. well... drive safe, hon


lolcats explained

well it's 3 am and i can't sleep. i guess it's time to write a blog post.

i've noticed a lot of people i've met recently just do not get my lolcat references. like when i say things like "ohai thur" or "i has ___." i understand if it's an older crowd, but when it's someone my age, it baffles me that they haven't even heard of lolcats. maybe i'm just so used to nerds since i went to a nerdy school. but even most of my non-nerd friends have at least seen a lolcat.

so i guess this post is directed at those remaining people who live under a rock. and also just to post all my favorite lolcat pictures.


local wildlife

sometimes i feel like i live out in the boonies. i mean, i don't really. it's a suburb. i'm walking distance from a tom thumb and starbucks. but after living in dallas and its surrounding cities for a few years, i feel like my town is so rural in comparison.

when i stop and think about it, there's a lot of things i see around here i would never see in the city, particular certain animals. here's a list of animals i've seen around my hometown:


jujube lady

my mom told me a funny story today.

before i begin, let me explain what a jujube is for those who don't know. my mom calls them "chinese apples" but they are also often referred to as "chinese dates" or "chinese prunes." after performing a google search, i found that the actual name is "jujube."
heh. jujube. what a funny word.


this story is for dwight

so this happened a few weeks ago while my parents were out of town. it was one of those nights where i had been drinking and i probably shouldn't have driven, but i did anyway. i mean the bar was closed and i was in dallas. my friends were tired and wanted to go home and probably were in no mood to babysit me. so i went ahead and headed home.